Monday, August 11, 2008

Journey to the Centre of the Earth-3D

This city makes you tired. I don't know if it's the weather or the pollution or the fact that I have not stopped drinking for 3 weeks but I'm always mentally and physically exhausted by about 8. My eyes sting ALL the time. I'm starting to see things. Wisps of smoke in the corner of my Vision. Ghosts?
After 8pm I go into a dream state. The drinking does not help. I have drunk so much here. Gallons of beers,rum,whiskey. After 8 pm madness wins. Evry Tuk-tuk drivers morphs in my mind into deformed citizens of another dimension determined to drive me to the pits of hell. There I would imagine they would sit me in front of a screen showing the lowlights of this trip for eternity.

Like Dreamworld.
The only person for who this world is a dream would be the owner I imagine. He probably has cameras everywhere and touches himself as people walk through the gate. Sadist. He gets some kind of sick joy out of watching grown men make fools of themselves on the "Bump-m-Boats". They go a 1/100th of normal walking speed, so no one get to move very much let alone bump. They just kinda of float about a metre from their original position until some angry Thai attendant yells at them to come back. And then there is the water ride where he has been so blatant about his disrespect for the idiots that go there that he has actually designed a plastic goat the pisses water on you as you go down. He is a sick sick man no doubt.

Or maybe they would show footage of the millions of backpackers that I've have seen a wanted to kill yelling obscenities at me in there stoopid accents. For some reason in Thailand my reaction to hearing a non-Thai accent is to stick fork in my eyes. 99% percent are disgusting scum that should be eradicated or put into camps where they can make hippy bags or do fire twirling or where stupid slogan t-shirts or be aggressive cunts or any other bullshit. I don't mind if they live just lock them up some where NOW. This has gone on too long and the Thai people deserve better.

Because they are good good people . I can tell. When I'm not Hallucinating.
I one day wish to have a conversation with one. If they even exist.

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